Periya Puranam Book In Tamil Pdf Download
Periya Puranam Book In Tamil Pdf Download >>>>>
Periya Puranam: A Tamil Classic on the Lives of Saiva Saints
Periya Puranam, also known as Thiruthondar Puranam, is a 12th-century Tamil epic poem composed by Sekkizhar. It narrates the legends of 63 Nayanars, the devotees of Lord Shiva who lived in various parts of Tamil Nadu. Periya Puranam is considered as one of the twelve Thirumurai, the sacred scriptures of Tamil Shaivism. It is also revered as a source of spiritual and moral inspiration by millions of Tamils.
Periya Puranam was composed by Sekkizhar at the request of King Kulothunga Chola II, who wanted to cleanse the Shaiva canon from the influence of Jain and Buddhist texts. Sekkizhar used earlier sources such as Thirunavukkarasar's Thiruttondar Thogai, Sundarar's Thiruthondar Thiruvanthathi and Nambiyandar Nambi's Thiruvarutpayan to compile the stories of the Nayanars. He also added his own poetic embellishments and moral teachings to the narratives.
Periya Puranam consists of 4286 verses in Tamil, arranged in 13 chapters. Each chapter begins with a prayer to Lord Shiva and ends with a praise of Sekkizhar. The first chapter gives an introduction to the work and its author. The second to fifth chapters describe the lives of four eminent Nayanars: Thirunavukkarasar, Thirugnana Sambandar, Sundarar and Manikkavasagar. The sixth chapter contains a summary of the lives of 59 other Nayanars, followed by detailed accounts in the subsequent chapters. The final chapter praises the glory of Chidambaram, the abode of Lord Shiva.
Periya Puranam is not only a literary masterpiece but also a historical document that reflects the social, religious and cultural life of medieval Tamil Nadu. It showcases the diversity and unity of the Shaiva community, which included people from various castes, genders, occupations and regions. It also depicts the miracles, sacrifices, devotion and service of the Nayanars, who exemplified the ideals of Shaiva Siddhanta. Periya Puranam is a treasure trove of wisdom and inspiration for all seekers of truth and love.
If you are interested in reading Periya Puranam, you can download it in Tamil PDF format from various online sources. Some of them are listed below:
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Sekkilar's Periya-puranam
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We hope you enjoy reading this classic work and learn from the lives of the Nayanars. 061ffe29dd